God Our Creator      The Secrets To Finding God and Eternal Happiness

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As a pastor, many people ask me, how can I find God and possess true happiness in my life?

Some people will say, I have acquired most of what I desire, but my life feels unfulfilled and empty.  Others will say I have a wonderful family and many friends, and all the material possessions that I need, even so, I feel troubled and there is emptiness in my heart.

And from those who are wealthy, that have all the riches they covet, and have the power to fulfill any desire, many will say, there is no joy in my life, and there is nothing left for me to acquire, and there is no activity that I can do to bring me excitement. I feel lost, sad, and unfulfilled in my life.

The truth is that you cannot find God by acquiring wealth, or through logic or by examining science.  God can only be found through love and faith, and by seeing what is hidden, and by comprehending the inconceivable.

Jesus Christ lived on Earth of 33 years. For each one of His years, he gave us a secret to finding God. For those who have and ear, let them hear, and for those who seek, let them find.

Listed below are 33 secrets to finding God and true happiness in life.

Whoever is able to correctly interpret the wisdom of these sayings, and comes to understand their meanings, they will inherit eternal joy and happiness:

  1. When you feel love in your heart, you have found God.

  2. When you feel joy in your heart, you have found God.

  3. When you feel compassion in your heart, you have found God.

  4. Eternal Life
  5. When something you hate becomes something you love, you have found God.

  6. When you do a kind act and in your heart seek nothing in return, you have found God.

  7. When you care more for others then for yourself, you have found God.

  8. When you feel hope in your heart, you have found God.

  9. When things that you hope and pray for become reality, you have found God.

  10. When you have confidence in your mind that you can overcome anything you face, you have found God.

  11. When you feel the love and warmth of Jesus Christ within you, you have found God.

  12. When you feel or evoke humility, you have found God.

  13. When you have become free of vanity, you have found God.

  14. When you can replace lust with tender affection, you have found God.

  15. When you can overcome anger, and replace it with compassion, you have found God.

  16. When you can replace a lie with truth, you have found God.

  17. When evil turns away, and flees from you, you have found God.

  18. When you overcome or turn away from doing sinful or immoral acts, you have found God.

  19. When you pray, you have found God.

  20. When you can forgive someone who has wronged you, made you angry, or caused you pain and misery, you have found God.

  21. When you are able to find what has been hidden and uncover what has been covered, you have found God.

  22. When you believe in what is unseen and accept it, you have found God.

  23. When you can turn your fear into strength, you have found God.

  24. When you cannot find what you are seeking, but have discovered what you were not seeking, you have found God.

  25. Eternal Life
  26. When you become a child, even though you are an adult, you have found God.

  27. When you are able to find truth in the mist of lies, you have found God.

  28. When you see light from within the darkness, you have found God.

  29. When you have discovered that the end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end, you have found God.

  30. When you can live your life from both the inside and from the outside, and the one whole of you has become two, and the two has become one, you have found God.

  31. When you become one as male and one as a female together (androgynous), you have found God.

  32. When you have recognized your inner-being and are able to see your true image, you have found God.

  33. When your body no longer depends upon your soul, and your soul no longer depends upon your body, you have found God.

  34. When birds do not fly away from you and wild animals do not flee from you, you have found God.

  35. When you have discovered the mystery of life is no longer a mystery, you have found God.
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The Secret Words of Jesus Christ

If you love and believe in Jesus Christ, (Yeshua HaMashiach, the spiritual born Son of God), and you do the will of God and turn away from iniquity, then you will surely inherit the Kingdom of God, eternal life and happiness everlasting.

May the grace of God be upon you always --- Amen.


Pastor Andy Anderson

Celestial Grace Ministry