About God, Jesus Christ and Mankind:                            Streaming Video at Bottom of Page

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To begin, let’s try to understand who God is:  It is believed that God is a living celestial supreme being that is immortal and ageless, has emotions and a limitless intellect, possesses an infinite amount of knowledge and wisdom; generates warmth, love and life giving energy.

God, (sometimes referred to as Jehovah Elohim), is the creator and ruler of our known terrestrial universe and of all life forms, celestial, spiritual, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial, and is the source of all moral authority, and stated that: "He created Human Beings in His own image and likeness" Genesis 1:26 - 1:27).

He is also the creator of a spiritual universe, which is populated with spiritual Angelic Beings and other celestial creatures. This universe is unknown, hidden and unseen by mankind, and exists in a realm and dimension that is outside of the terrestrial universe. In addition, it is important to understand that God is both Father and Mother, the whole, undivided parent of all life, existing in spirit as one entity, and cares for and nurtures all life forms, both spiritual and terrestrial.

God, through His Holy Spirit, resides omnipresent in all living beings, and can simultaneously hear the thoughts, feel the emotions and see the actions of all living creatures in any form throughout the entire infinite cosmos.

Now let’s try to understand who Jesus Christ is: One of the most unique things about Jesus Christ, (Hebrew name Yeshua HaMashiach), and also referred to as the Son of Man, the Messiah, or Savior, is that even though He was the spiritual born Son of God, He was also a mortal Human Being --- just like You or I.

So the question is, therefore, why would God want to become a mortal Human Being? That is, to manifest Himself from spirit into human form. To clearly understand this and what it means is no easy task. I have, however, after many years of theological and biblical research, developed a hypothesis which I believe offers a reasonable explanation to this question.

God, in His infinite wisdom wanted to directly experience the life of a Human Being, in the flesh from birth through death. He wanted to feel the strength and weaknesses of man, just as a human would, to directly experience the temptations of the flesh, and to encounter the diversity of human emotional feelings. This would allow Him to fully understand the thoughts, emotions and life activities of an Earthly Human Being, and also, be able to directly interact with them, (face to face - person to person).

Therefore, God created a Human Soul that would become His son in flesh. God then placed this Human Soul into an embryo of a virgin Human Female Woman (The Virgin Mary) and birthed Himself into the terrestrial earthly world as an infant Human Male Child.

Through the years the child grew to become an adult man, and He experienced all the thoughts, activities, temptations and emotions of a normal Human Being. Then around the age of 30, God manifested His spiritual wisdom into the physical body and mind of Jesus Christ and became God in human form omnipresent.

Therefore, Jesus Christ, who was a mortal Human Being was also God in flesh. Because of that, Jesus possessed wisdom and powers that were well beyond that of a normal Human Being, and nothing was impossible to Him.

Eternial Life

Jesus was amazing. A Human Being that possessed an extraordinary amount of Godly spiritual knowledge and wisdom, and that fully understood all things about mankind. He generated love, kindness, compassion and forgiveness, and by using His wisdom and spiritual powers, did many amazing things.

He healed people from all types of illnesses and infirmities, brought people who had died back to life, materialized food from heaven to feed thousands of hungry people, and taught wisdom to humanity, knowledge that would give them the opportunity to dwell in peace together, live with joy in their life, and also, an opportunity to acquire eternal life, and to dwell in God's Kingdom of Paradise everlasting.

Also, because Jesus understood the weaknesses of mankind, that they would succumb to immoral temptations, He was willing to forgive people of their immoral acts and wrong doings. He knew that every Human Being born of woman was created in God’s image. Therefore, He was willing to endure the harshest of treatment, including hateful insults, rejection, cruelty and physical torture, and then gave His life through crucifixion so the sins of mankind could be forgiven.

After Jesus' death, He rose to life again so people could witness that He was truly God in flesh, and that He could resurrect anyone from death and grant them eternal life, as well as to place them in His heavenly kingdom of paradise, and, where they could have reunion with all those they loved on Earth that had died before them.

Jesus stayed on Earth 40 days after His resurrection from death, and made numerous appearances in various places. He then gathered His disciples together for one final time, and spoke with them, and allowed them to witness His ascension into the heavens.

While Jesus was on Earth, He made a promise to mankind, that anyone who believes in Him, that He was the Son of God, would be saved from judgement, resurrected from death, and their sins forgiven. In addition, they would receive a new perfect non-aging body, be given eternal life, never experience any discomfort, and be placed in a newly created kingdom, where they would dwell with Him, and would experience joy and happiness everlasting.

Since Jesus’ physical death, approximately 1,988 years ago, billions of people have become aware of His teachings and His promise, and millions and have elected to believe in Him, have accepted Him as being Lord, the Son of God, and have great love for Him within their mind, heart and soul. And for all those that have faithfully accepted Him as Lord, and on that day and hour of their acceptance, their name was entered, logged and recorded in God’s “Book of Eternal Life”, and it shall never be blotted out or removed (Revelation 3:5).

According to biblical documentation, for all those whose names were entered into the “Book of Life”, by God’s will, a new kingdom shall be created for them, (The New Jerusalem). It shall be composed of both terrestrial and spiritual properties and God will name it the Kingdom of Eden and of Paradise and the knowledge of evil shall never enter into it.

God will place all the resurrected Human Souls in the midst of it, and God shall give His beloved Son, (Jesus Christ, The Son of Man), dominion over it. And The Christ, The Son of Man shall populate it with Angels and heavenly creatures and gardens of celestial flowers of all types, and fields of trees and plants of great beauty and magical enchantment, and precious stones of all types that sparkle like the stars of the universe.

And there shall be sounds of beautiful music of all types and of beautiful natural sounds like that of falling waters and flowing streams, and celestial winds and heavenly rain showers shall be seen and heard, and all other beautiful sounds that were ever created shall be heard therein.

The sky shall be filled with the Spirit of God and magnificent lights, and heavenly bodies shall appear and beautiful colors and images of all kinds will glow and pulsate from within the sky.

And the kingdom shall have many fantastic cities, and within, every street shall be made of gold and silver and precious jewels of every kind and the rivers of life, clear as crystal which flow from the spirit of God, and shall flow in and round about the kingdom, and there shall be brilliant colors that glisten in and round about the kingdom. And there shall be many other wonders that are unknown to the intellect and understanding of mankind.

And the spirit of God shall bring illumination and warmth to every part of the kingdom, and the presence of God shall be within, and there will be no fear of Him, and all shall hear His voice and His celestial body shall be seen by all, and love from His Holy Spirit shall be felt by all therein. And there shall be boundless love, joy, and fellowship between all the living beings and creatures that dwell within the kingdom, and all will exist in elation and perfect harmony together without end.

And by God’s will, The Christ, The Son of Man shall place within the kingdom the great Hall of Knowledge that contains all knowledge that was ever created, and the Library of Unlimited Learning is also contained within, and those who enter will have access to all levels of knowledge.

And no secrets or knowledge shall be held back from anyone that enters within, and each soul shall have the opportunity to acquire unlimited wisdom, accomplish incredible wonders, and great impossibilities, even beyond the limits of their intellect.

Eternial Life

And the Kingdom of Paradise shall contain many delightful mansions for dwelling, and the Christ, The Son of Man shall give to each soul a mansion for dwelling of their own desire.

And for the sake of all the resurrected souls of mankind, God shall resurrect the earthly bodies of any animals or creatures that were loved, kept and cared for by Human Beings on Earth, and the animal's earthly character shall be restored to it's body. God shall give them immortality and place them in their own celestial kingdom which God will name: “The Kingdom of Animalia”, and God will provide food for them from the celestial heavens.

And the Christ, The Son of Man shall have dominion over it, and all the animals that mankind loved and cared for on Earth shall be made available to their previous earthly keepers, and The Christ, the Son of Man shall give to the souls of mankind the power to come and enter The Kingdom of Animalia, and locate any animal that they loved on Earth, and take them unto their mansion and dwell with them, and each animal shall remember its keeper, and there will be great joy and love between them.

Now there are many more amazing wonders and activities that are not mentioned in the descriptions of this kingdom, in-so-much as it would take hundreds of pages to describe them all.

And for all of you that have read these words, each one of you has the choice to accept these words as truth, as a myth or as fantasy. There is, however, one fact that no one can dispute, every Human Being is going to face an eathly physical death, and on that day, the truth shall be revealed to them.

In the history of mankind, there is no known Human Being that has been more truthful, kind, loving, compassionate and forgiving as Jesus Christ. After His resurrection and ascension to heaven, He dwells alive in spirit, and loves each and every one of us, and He offers His love, His understanding, and His mercy to all that open their hearts to Him.

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God, Mankind, and Jesus Christ 

Therefore, always try to keep your mind and heart open to Christ, accept His love and live your life in peace, and with joy, happiness and compassion.

For those you have an ear, let them hear.


May the grace of God be with you always.




Pastor Andy Anderson


Celestial Grace Ministry

 The Holy Spirit